Curd / Yogurt Making Machine

Curd Making Equipment

Curd Making Machine

Yogurt Making Equipment

Yogurt Making Machine

Curd / Yogurt Making Machine Exporter
Curd / Yogurt Making Machine Supplier
Curd / Yogurt Making Machine Manufacturer

Curd Percolator Stirrer

Curd / Yogurt Making Machine Stirrer-20-40-60-Ltr-1

Stirrer (20-40-60-Ltr)

Capacity 80 LTS.

Capacity 20 LTS.

Capacity 60 LTS.

Capacity 10 LTS.

Capacity 40 LTS.

Capacity 100 LTS.

Capacity 150 LTS.

Capacity 150 A LTS.

Capacity 200 LTS.

Capacity 500 LTS.

Curd/ Yogurt Making Machine Manufacturer

Mahesh Eng Works have the huge range of Curd/ Yogurt Making MachineDahi Making Equipment, Dahi Making Machine which are manufactured with the advanced technology. Bring determined by understanding professionals that put their 100% hard work and make use of their best understanding and ability to manufacture the preeminent design that meet to the demands of the clients. Yogurt Making Machine or Curd making machine is the best innovation for the dairy farms as this machine can help the farmers and even the homemakers to make the curd instantaneously. 

This machine has the inherent container with diverse capacities and the long electronic cord that repeatedly get fold while making no use of it. It is amazing product and has capacity for making curd in large quantity in the hygienic conditions along with retaining its quality. All machines are supplied with the warranty and guarantee of used inherent material and its functioning so that sturdiness and ideal functioning of the machine can be attained.

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